Welcome to Baba Balak Nath College Chakmoh, Hamirpur (H.P)-176039



Special attention has been paid to the provision and equipment of a well-stocked library. The
library contains a large number of books on topics of curriculum as well as general interest,
and is expanding at a rapid pace. The periodical section is well-provided with many
newspapers and journals. Books from the library may be borrowed by students for reading at
home or for consultation in the library itself. Books will be issued to a student on his/her
identity-cum-library card which must be produced at the time of the issue and return of

Book Bank

The book bank of the library lends books to the needy and meritorious students for the entire
academic session on the recommendation of the Library Committee which is then finally
approved by the Principal. A student desirous of getting books for the whole of the session
from the book bank should submit his/her application, along with documentary proofs of
either his/her inability to buy those books or his/her scholarly claim to them, to the principal
within one month of the date of admission of the student concerned.

Rules for Conduct in the Library and for Issuance and Return of Books Students are required
to observe silence in the library.
  1. The mobile phones must be switched off inside the library or kept on vibration mode.
  2. A maximum of two books will be issued to a student for a period of 14 days.
  3. Reference books and periodicals are not meant for issuance. They are meant for consultation in the library premises only.
  4. Students must have their identity cards with them when they are in the library.
  5. If a book is already damaged in any form, it should be brought to the notice of the library staff otherwise the student will be held responsible for the damage. No books should be disfigured in any manner.

For the loss of a book a student will have to deposit a brand-new copy of the same book and the same edition otherwise he/she will have to pay double the price of the book. The borrower should report the loss of a book before the due date for return otherwise usual fine will be charged till the information
about the loss is given. If the borrower loses a book which is part of a serious, he/she will have to pay the price for the entire series.