Welcome to Baba Balak Nath College Chakmoh, Hamirpur (H.P)-176039



Parents-Teachers Association

The Parents –Teachers Association is an organization of teachers and parents which works for the welfare of the students in particular and the community in general. The main function of the PTA is to create a congenial atmosphere so that the students grow and develop themselves physically, mentally and morally to their maximum capacity. This is possible only if there is good understanding among teachers and parents. Such an understanding can further help the teachers to know more about their students’ habits, tastes, and interests, attitudes and aptitudes, apart from their social and economic background.

Over-all cooperation is thus based on a bilateral understanding of a triangular relationship. The parents should realize that the college belongs to them, that its problems are their problem and its welfare is their welfare. Thus, it is only by the united and well-coordinated efforts of the teachers and parents that the college can be made a better and useful institution for learning. To promote the welfare of students and to raise their standard in academic and extra-curricular activities the PTA has helped by taking initiative for the following activities:


  1. Inviting educational and vocational guidance experts/ councilors in the college and arranging their talk /discussions with the students and teachers
  2. Arranging lectures by the experts on typical topics of Science and Social- sciences.
  3. Inviting artists and musician for staging their performance in the college campus.
  4. Providing special encouragement for talented students to boost their talent in sports
    and academics
  5. Opening Book bank to give books on a loan basis to the needy students.
  6. Recognizing, encouraging and appreciating teachers work in terms of their annual results and active participation in co-curricular activities.
  7. Providing infrastructure for instructional facilities in classrooms and Labs.
  8. Promoting computer literacy Programme among staff and students.
  9. Providing Internet facility for staff and students on the college campus.
  10. To encourage meritorious and poor students by providing them Scholarships. Financial help and prizes should also be given for outstanding performance in sports and extracurricular activities.
  11. To provide career guidance and councilling as well as information about competitive exams for employment and entrance tests for higher education

The facilities for sports, recreation, NSS and other extra-curricular activities have been made available to the students to ensure their over-all personality development. PTA is not only making education more effective, purposive and meaningful but also solving the problems about indiscipline, violence,, truancy, drug- addiction, drinking, smoking, and more importantly in minimizing the use and impact of mobiles which have adversely affected the mind of the students nowadays.